Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thunder,Lightning and Hail

It was noontime of June 3,2009. We were taking our lunch,when a loud roar of Thunder
was heard in our neighborhood,along Wilson cor Kings well St.,Banning,Ca.
Suddenly,a ball of fire was seen eating up the dried Palm leaves near an apartment
only a block away from us.

It was my first time to see such a powerful lightning that almost gutted
a towering Palm tree into dust and only for a couple of minutes.

Natural occurrence that is unpredictable. It must be a good lesson to all that when
mother nature strikes,all are vulnerable to become victims.

Hailstorm in June is not a common occurrence but on that same day ,it happened.
Erratic weather is indeed a consequence of a much publicized issue of Global warming.
How can we help to avoid it? How can each help to patch up the depleted Ozone layer?
Maybe its good for us to listen and follow the advice
of experts to save the environment.
Let us continue our good practice of segregating our wastes into recyclable and non-
recyclable.Industrial gases emission need to be further regulated.

Till then,bye.

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