Saturday, December 4, 2010


As I was reading the news from the internet the other day,I read about an article that tells of a Billboard in New York City.This is about a Nativity
scene with a caption that says,"Christmas is a myth".
I felt so naive not to easily understand,that inspite of my lifelong
faith of
Christianity and being a catholic.That is for Forty Nine years that I have
enjoyed the blessings of being a believer,I am now prompted with a reality
that there are still a lot of people in the world that do not
believe that Jesus Christ had once existed among real people through his
birth in Bethlehem more than Two thousand years ago.

The message of Christmas ,is the most joyful manifestation of goodwill
that God ,the father had given us as an ultimate gift for the humanity
to cherish. It's a pity that we cannot share with those who still
live in disbelief.
Although we respect truly their personal choices.

As I continue to think about it,I compassionately was touched and
weakened to the reality that a lot of evangelical works are still needed
in order to help other people understand the truth.In the United States
alone ,more than Fifteen percent of the population are without religion
today.The Vatican has a lot of opportunities yet to capture the hearts
of these Gentiles.

For the meantime,let me express my utmost greeting
of "A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.May the year 2011 be a
prosperous and a peaceful year to each and everyone of us.

Till then,bye

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nest 3

Banning,California.A random check on our backyard yielded me a lot of surprises.From a bird's-nest with five cute little birdies in it , that
made me an instant caregiver by letting them try to eat baby food and trying to let them drink through a Syringe. For two days time they were okey.While holding them and letting them eat,eventually they all decided to fly on top of a Maple tree nearby.
A week later they were spotted flying in and out of their previous nest.
Maybe partly because I left them food at certain corners within our backyard.
Or maybe because a lot of green Lettuce,Squash flowers,Corn are starting to come out of their respective stalks,Guava trees with blooming flowers and a lot more of choices for them to enjoy.
The Cherry tree had only two fruits but they decided to take the one by eating the fruit before I was able to get it.Strawberries are a constant come on for having red fruits everyday and onwards.
Likewise,the Grapevines are starting to drop due to its fruits.
The same thing with the yellow Peach tree that each branch can no longer
afford to hold its fruits.What an adorable sight to behold.Lastly,my
favorite among them is the Persimon tree that is starting to grow
golden green fruits that are hanging on to their respective frail but productive branches.